Choose the service that's the best fit for you.

Nutrition, Lifestyle, & Personal development coaching

1:1 Personalised Coaching


The 1:1 personalized coaching experience offers a highly individualized and private experience for the client. This setting allows clients to progress at their own pace and to focus on their own unique health or personal development goals. I offer personalized guidance and support, and tailor the program to a client’s specific needs. It’s also a great opportunity to unpack a deeper understanding of personal challenges, deep-rooted beliefs, mindsets, or setbacks. This program is a great offering if you’re looking for a sustainable lifestyle change, or if you’re looking to embark on a deep healing journey or for a powerful mind-body-soul transformation.

This plan is perfect if you:

Group Coaching


Group coaching is a great option if you’d prefer a more economical rate than the personalised 1:1 coaching sessions, or if you have a group of friends that would all like to journey on a health program together. Group coaching is beneficial for several reasons:  it offers diverse perspectives and insights, allowing participants to gain a broader understanding of their challenges and potential solutions; the shared experiences within the group create a supportive and collaborative environment, fostering a sense of community and reducing feelings of isolation. Additionally, the group dynamic encourages accountability leading to increased motivation and commitment to achieving goals. 

This plan is perfect if you:

Corporate Wellness


Corporate wellness programs are designed to enhance the health and wellbeing of your employees. It often includes topics like; nutrition education to enhance productivity, stress management, conflict resolution, time management support, and more. Corporate health and wellness programs aim to improve employee health, boost morale, and contribute to a positive work environment, ultimately benefiting both individuals and the organization. By fostering a culture of wellbeing within the workplace, organizations create a healthier and more engaged workforce, ultimately contributing to a more positive work environment.

This plan is perfect if you: