Frequently Asked Questions

Put simply, a health coach is a professional guide and mentor that supports people to feel their best. Whether it’s reducing stress, getting better sleep, improving digestion, or weight loss, I support my clients over an extended period of time to develop healthy lifestyle habits. I also help people identify where their health issues stem from, and advise strategies on how to overcome them. The simple, groundbreaking idea at the core of integrative nutrition is that “food is medicine,” but also that what and how you eat can’t be isolated from all the other components of your life, which is what makes this practice so holistic. I work with my clients on their beliefs, mindset, emotional and mental health, which is why this program can also feel like a personal development journey. 

Do you feel like your current lifestyle is not the healthiest way to live? Do you experience fatigue, brain fog, or anxiety? Do you struggle with recurrent health issues like digestive discomfort, bloating, PCOS, or insulin resistance? Are you tired of going on and off diets all the time? Tired of counting calories and macros and just want to live a healthier lifestyle with ease? Are you overwhelmed with some of the health and wellness content out there and just don’t know where to start or what to do? Or are you someone who just generally wants to learn more about overall health and wellness and nutrition? Then you’ve come to the right place. You can also book a free consultation call with me to get a better idea of how health coaching can support you.

First I would take you through the initial health consultation. This involves a short health history about your current habits, as well as any health concerns or goals you have in mind. If you decide to sign up for the program, we would work together over a period of 6 months, meeting once every two weeks for a session over a Zoom video call. I offer homework recommendations in between each session to help you build new habits overtime. These homework items could involve small dietary changes, physical exercise recommendations, reading or video material to learn from, mindset exercises, and so much more. The key here is consistency; slow and steady changes for a long-term sustainable lifestyle shift. No fast or extreme changes, they just don’t work. No diets or strict rules that make you feel like you can’t enjoy life, or that feel like a punishment.

No, technically I am not a nutritionist. As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I’ll definitely be helping you understand what foods work best for you, and I will be supporting you in introducing them into your routine in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming. You will gain an education on nutrition along the way, and learn how to properly nourish and fuel your body. What sets me apart from a traditional nutritionist or dietician however is that we’ll also be examining other aspects of your life that are crucial to your health and wellbeing, such as your sense of purpose, your relationship with yourself and with your community, your mental and emotional health, your stress levels, your sleep quality, your physical activity and more. The philosophy of this approach rests on the concept that all these different components of your life are as important, if not more important, to your health as the food on your plate.

Yes, certainly, if that is a health goal of yours, but the program won’t offer you a diet plan. If anything, I make sure that my clients don’t feel like they’re on a diet, and they’re achieving their weightloss goals without feeling restricted, without calorie counting, and without obsessing over tracking their food. We’ll be working on incorporating foods that help manage cravings, that keep you satiated throughout the day, that improve your energy, and that support gut health and hormone health. We’ll also be managing blood glucose which is imperative for weight management as well as positive emotions. The program is designed to help you form sustainable long-term healthful habits that help you lose weight and keep it off, unlike trendy diets that are often short-sighted and don’t work because they don’t consider the bigger picture of all the different components that make up your health and your life. 

I charge 250 KD per month, which include two 50-minute sessions, session notes, learning material, and unlimited texts with me. An option of 180 KD per month is available for people who don’t want the session notes. The program runs for a total of 6 months.

It’s what I’d recommend to see real change. While this may seem like quite a commitment, take a moment to consider how much you and your daily life changes through the course of half a year. Just as the weather moves through seasons, so do you. What you eat, what you wear, who you spend time with, what activities you engage in, work projects, all shift as the calendar does. Also, despite all the normal fluctuations, often over a span of six months patterns of behavior will emerge that increase understanding about what’s driving or limiting you. Lastly, this span of time takes the pressure off in a very important way. If you happen to regress a bit with one of your goals—and we all do—it’s okay, there’s time to gradually and effectively build healthy habits and routines to keep moving forward.

I am always available for questions and feedback from my clients over WhatsApp , email, and IG during business hours. I typically take a few hours to respond, but rarely longer than 24 hours.

What To Expect...

Eat Real Food & Never Feel Hungry

Watch cravings and hunger disappear when you know how to properly nourish your body and take care of your gut health.

Nutrition Education

You'll learn about different food groups, how to manage blood sugar, what cravings are and how to manage them, how to have optimal gut health, how to exercise in a way that's beneficial for your goals, and so much more!

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

We work slow and steady so that the new habits have time to set in and be a regular part of your daily life. We establish a way of living and eating that feels good, and that you'll want to sustain because you see and feel the results.

Personal Development & Growth

Part of this work is getting learning more about ourselves, and healing emotional and mental disturbances. A healthy body requires a healthy mind.

What Not To Expect...

Counting Calories

No obsessiveness or mathematics around food. The idea is to learn about satiation, portions, cravings, nourishment, and live and eat in a way without the algebra.

Temporary Weight Loss

It's the restrictive diets (or the boring ones) that get people losing weight fast, but then putting the weight back on once they get back to their regular way of eating. What if we changed your regular way of eating and established a healthier "new normal?"


I steer clear from the diet-mindset and towards a more permanent lifestyle change. Aren't we all sick of the yo-yo dieting anyway? This will not be a restrictive or joyless program. Food is meant to nourish and be delicious!

Quick Fixes

Change doesn't happen overnight, and there is no magic pill. It will require some effort and consistency from clients, although I've seen huge improvements in a very short period of time.