Hey There! I'm Alya, Health & Wellness Coach

My name is Alya and I’m passionate about supporting people’s personal health and well-being goals. I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a certified Yoga and Meditation teacher, and I am currently undertaking an MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health at King’s College London.

My practice is deeply rooted in the idea of treating an individual as a whole, supporting healing and growth across mind, body, and spirit. It is inspired by my own journey where I struggled with gut and hormone health issues, as well as body image issues and disordered eating in my 20s. It’s through my healing journey that I learned so much about mental health, self-love, nutrition, lifestyle, stress management, and more… that I felt compelled to share my knowledge and help others.

My father is Kuwaiti and my mother is Armenian. I grew up between Kuwait and Dubai, and completed my teenager years in a mountain village in Switzerland. I’ve also lived in Canada, the USA, Scotland and England. I experience the benefits and the challenges of being a true TCK! (Third cultured kid.)

I care very deeply about people and planet. I have a BA in Anthropology and an MSc in Environmental Sustainability. Before my career as a Health Coach, I spent time working at the UN in NYC, as well as a Consultant and Environmental Project Manager at The Sustainable City (TSC) in Dubai for 5 years.

I spent some time working with the Green School in Bali, Indonesia – while working for TSC – where I completed their Green Educator’s Course. This experience had a profound impact on me as I learned about the incredible potential of having a progressive and sustainable education model in the modern world. It is an approach to education that fostered kindness, mindfulness, connection to nature, an ownership of learning, real-world problem solving, and so much more. It’s a school that reveres physical, spiritual, and emotional intelligence – just as much as IQ. What kind of a world would we live in if most schools taught this way? What kind of adults would we be? It became my mission to offer even just a fraction of what I learned there to others…

I also love to travel and experience nature at its finest and most remote. I’m an adventurer and love a good thrill. I’ve camped on the ice sheet in Greenland, kite-surfed in many stunning places like the Philippines and Morocco, hiked in Banff, Yosemite, Sequoia National Park in the US, and enjoyed bird watching in the Faroe Islands. Nature is also where I find my peace. It has played the most significant role in my physical and emotional healing journey. I have an immense respect for the natural world and am always seeking ways to take part in conservation projects and animal rights campaigns around the world.

My Credentials & Education

MSc Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health

Currently undergoing at King’s College London

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

Specialising in stress management, personal development, intuitive eating, and meditation.

Advanced Certificates include: Gut Health, and Hormone Health

Other Certifications

Positive Psychology Practitioner
School of Positive Transformation

Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapist
EDIT Level I certified

Certified Meditation Teacher + Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

Yoga Certifications

200hr RYT Vinyasa Yoga Teacher
VIKASA, Thailand

65hr Yin Yoga and Myofascial Release Teacher

ACROVINYASA, 100hr Level I Teacher

Other Education

MSc Environmental Sustainability

BA Anthropology

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Why I Became A Coach

As a Health Coach, I help clients identify dietary and lifestyle changes they can make to gain more energy, reduce stress, to reach their health and wellbeing goals.

Although a healthful diet and adequate exercise are essential for feeling our best, my practice also examines other aspects of an individual’s life that are as important, if not more important, to their health and wellness as the food on their plate.

This includes exploring one’s area of relationships, career, creativity, spirituality and purpose, to name a few. Often times it’s the narratives we tell ourselves, and self-limiting beliefs that get in the way of our ambitions.

I work closely with my clients to unravel and understand what these look like, and I recommend tools to plough through them. 


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