Personal Development

Take Risks

“Take risks because it’s impossible to be right all the time.” – Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

Taking risks is an integral and essential aspect of personal and professional growth. In a rapidly evolving world, where uncertainty and change are constant, embracing risks becomes a catalyst for innovation and development. By stepping out of one’s comfort zone and venturing into the unknown, individuals and organizations open themselves up to new experiences, insights, and opportunities that would otherwise remain untapped. Risk-taking stimulates creativity, as the challenges and uncertainties that come with it demand the exploration of novel solutions and approaches. Whether in entrepreneurship, science, or art, some of the most remarkable achievements have been born out of audacious risks taken by those willing to challenge conventions.

Furthermore, risk-taking fosters resilience and adaptability. It equips individuals with the skills to navigate setbacks and failures, ultimately leading to greater self-confidence and emotional maturity. Facing and overcoming challenges head-on builds a sense of accomplishment and confidence that fuels future endeavors. The act of risk-taking isn’t merely about blind leaps; it involves calculated assessments of potential rewards against potential losses. This analytical aspect hones decision-making skills, allowing individuals to better evaluate situations and make informed choices in both personal and professional realms. Ultimately, embracing risks is a testament to human potential, enabling growth, progress, and a deeper understanding of the world and oneself.

There is no growth, no success, no relationship, without risk. The main concern we have with risks, I believe, is how we view “failure” in our culture. Reframing our beliefs around failure is one of the most important success-hacks anyone can undertake. Sounds like an oxymoron? Stay with me… You will not find a single successful person who hasn’t collected multiple failures in their past. Just ask Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Oprah, etc. It’s like you can’t have one without the other. You can’t succeed without an appetite for risk.

Failures are just a redirection in someone’s path, as long as you see it that way and learn to dust yourself off when you fall down and try again. Failures aren’t always about business or profits. Failed relationships are an opportunity for growth too. Being in a relationship is always a risk because it requires us to invest and be vulnerable – with our time, our energy, our hearts. Sure breakups are hard, they suck. But they’re not “bad” unless you view them as such. Change the way you see things – find the meaning, the lesson, the purpose – and what you see changes.

Stepping out of our comfort zone is where the magic happens. And the more time you invest out of your comfort zone, the more your comfort zone expands. Take the example of trying a new sport – I crashed and fell multiple times when I was learning to kitesurf. It’s a risky sport and wayyy out of my comfort zone. Now? Easy as pie. It’s like learning to ride a bike or drive a car. At first it feels daunting, but with practice, anything can eventually feel comfortable. This is how we grow. Build confidence. Learn. And colour our lives with awesome experiences and skill sets.

The truth is life is full of risks because no one knows what’s around the corner. Learning to develop a positive and meaningful relationship with risk and failure could make the difference between ease and dis-ease. It’s all in the meanings and narratives we associate to the events that transpire in our lives. What would it mean if I took a risk at a new business venture and failed? The answer is ours to choose. Of course proceed toward risk with caution, intelligence, and discernment! 🙌🏼♥️

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