Mindset Coaching

There Is Beauty In Simplicity

“There is beauty in simplicity. In watching the sun rise and set without rushing to be elsewhere. In savouring your morning coffee before running out the door. In wholesome conversations with one person as opposed to making small talk with ten. In going for a walk, not to lose weight but to soak in your surroundings. To see beauty and magic where others cannot. A slow, simple life, with a small home, filled not with material items that clutter both your external and internal worlds, but one that is filled with love. One that evokes peace and tranquility. A sense of calm. Subtract the meaningless and leave only space for the meaningful. Forgetting about tomorrow’s worries and focusing instead on the joy of today. There is a beauty in simplicity. In making space for the things that matter most. In overflowing with experiences and stories and gentle moments that take your breath away.” 

Words by: Alysha Waghorn

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to overlook the simple moments that bring us joy and contentment. However, it is so important to recognize the value of these moments and to savour them fully.

Savoring the simple moments can help us appreciate the beauty of everyday life. By intentionally slowing down and being present in the moment, we can experience a sense of peace, joy, and gratitude for the world around us. When we are constantly on the go and overwhelmed by the complexities of life, it can be difficult to find moments of rest and relaxation. Enjoying the simple and sometimes mundane moments in our lives can help reduce stress and anxiety. Positive psychology talks about the act of “savouring” as a way to up-regulate positive emotions, which improve one’s mental, emotional, and nervous system health. Win, win, win.

Another beautiful consequence of slowing down and savouring is that it can help us build stronger relationships with those around us. When we take the time to appreciate the small moments in life, we are better able to connect with others on a deeper level. We’re more present and more open. Whether it’s sharing a laugh with a friend, a sunrise with a partner, or enjoying a meal with family, these simple moments can bring us closer together and create lasting memories.

Simplifying our lives of unnecessary clutter, distractions, tasks, notifications, or material possessions can also help bring a sense of calm and peace. What are the items on your to-do list that don’t need to be there or can be delegated to someone else? What thoughts or beliefs are you carrying around that are keeping your mental environment busy and overwhelmed? What are those things that are filling up your home that don’t need to be there? How does your bedroom and other living spaces look like? Are they tidy or cluttered? How often do you use your phone and how many notifications are you exposed to? Everything we own and everything we see has energy and will draw on our attention.

When we eliminate the excess and prioritize the essentials, we are better able to identify and pursue our goals and passions. We feel better, more grounded, more still (check out this book by Ryan Holiday to learn more about stillness), and therefore more focused, patient, and efficient in whatever it is we’re doing (working, cooking, connecting with loved ones, resolving an argument, etc.) This can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. We have more energy because we’re not draining our battery with the unessentials. Simplicity helps us focus on what truly matters in life.

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