Personal Development

Sometimes We Outgrow People Who Aren’t Growing And That’s Okay

Healing or growth journeys can be tough and lonely sometimes. It doesn’t just force into question our own patterns and behaviours, but it brings into question what we allow around us, how healthy our boundaries are, who we share our time and space with, and how we want to relate to others. Lots of big things here…

The more you work on yourself, the more sensitive you become to energy around you and also to what is or isn’t in alignment with you. You might notice that you have a different perspective on the world, and a new found language you use to describe and understand your internal environment (what we call emotional intelligence)… and you simply find it hard to relate to people who are not growing their awareness too… and that’s okay.

This is not about being better than anyone. In fact, the more you grow and heal the more your empathy expands as well. The more kindness and understanding you have that everyone is on their own path, their own journey, and that we all move at our own pace… even if it means you’re not walking alongside them on a path anymore the way you once did. I’ve read and learned time and time again that a normal part of one’s development journey will involve loss – loss of parts of ourselves that no longer serve us (but once did), and loss of relationships that aren’t evolving with you.

Humans are dynamic and messy and imperfect and complex and therefore so are our relationships. Change is the only constant. Keep an open mind with kindness and forgiveness in your heart. Be observant and reflective but avoid overthinking. Know that not everything needs an opinion, or a definite answer or reason. Be okay with acceptance. With flow. With not always knowing for sure why things are the way they are. Surrendering gracefully and mindfully is one of the greatest health hacks I know…

What do you think? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below ⬇️❤️

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