Mindset Coaching

Change Your Mindset, Change The Game

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Our beliefs matter. The mind is a powerful tool. We know this because we know placebos work. Our beliefs can heal us, or cause us stress. Here is an amazing TEDx clip by Dr. Alia Crum that explains it all beautifully (and gives scientific examples to prove it.)

This is why as a Health Coach I do more than just focus on diet and exercise, and part of what I do is personal development work and mindset coaching… because our mindset is EVERYTHING.

What beliefs do you carry about yourself? Your body? Your capabilities? Your self-worth? Do those beliefs make you feel expansive, or keep you small? Do they help you go after your dreams?

The good news is that your beliefs are yours, and therefore are yours to manage, modify, and upgrade. What would life look like if you set your mind on more positive beliefs? What would change?

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